Croatian Petition

Launched first international petition (2014) to stop Croatian Adriatic drilling. View Petition.

CASA Supporters Meet Croatia's Prime Minister

CASA supporters meet with the Croatian Prime Minister in Seattle. Story on Total Croatia News.

- Press Release published on Croatia Week
- "Milanovića zaustavili aktivisti --"

CASA Flyer.jpg

Oliver Dragojević & Friends Tour

CASA provided #NoAdriaticDrilling literature to Oliver Dragojević's May 2014 North American concert tour. Thanks to the producers for taking our flyers on tour.

S.E.A. Translation

One of CASA's largest projects as volunteers all over the world translated portions of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (S.E.A.) on Croatian Adriatic drilling.

AVAAZ Campaign

Online collaboration for the February 2015 Croatian public consultation. One of many joint efforts with partners throughout the Adriatic and the EU.

Split Forum

A forum organized to present and discuss the S.E.A. and the impacts of Croatian Adriatic drilling with the public and the Split community.

Crowdsourcing Campaigns

- SPEAK UP: No Adriatic Drilling
- Tell the EU_ENV
- Save Dalmatia
- #NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia!
- Građani kažu NE!